Poker Hunters Colours Of The Wind

In the dark forest to the west. The sky was the color of black ice. It was going to be a miserable day. Jack ran to the privy. He bounced up and down to keep the frozen ground from sticking to his shoes. The Bard said the frost giants lie in wait for unwary humans, stunning them with their misty breath. You could never. These cost-effective arrows are made of carbon, and come in black colors, bringing death to your prey. The spine is 400 with 8.8 GPI capabilities. The Easton Aftermath arrows are designed to cut through the air, regardless of the wind power. They are made for outdoor use, making them a valuable choice for the hunters.

  1. Poker Hunters Colours Of The Wind Movie
  2. Colours Of The Wind Mp3
  3. Colours Of The Wind Lyrics
  4. Poker Hunters Colours Of The Wind Lyrics


Summary: Nine years after the war, Hermione's the Head of the Auror Department that specialises in dealing with Magical Creatures and fugitive Death Eaters that are loose in the Muggle World. With the fugitive Death Eaters no longer hiding in Britain, she's tracking rogue Death Eaters in the United States, which leads her to The Winchester brothers. The Witch and The Hunters are a dynamic trio that no creature, being or beast wishes to mess with, Magical or Supernatural. Hermione/Dean pairing. Rated M for a reason.

Disclaimer: I don't own original canon characters or events, just those that I create myself. Everything belongs to J.K Rowling and the creators of Supernatural. I am not making a profit posting this fanfic.

Page count: 15

Three weeks later..

'Just think, one more week and we'll finally be able to see our family home for the first time,' Dean said, as he and Hermione walked hand in hand down Diagon Alley.

In the last week alone they'd managed to wrap up three cases with only minimal injuries of a few cuts and bruises, and since they'd been so busy lately they'd decided that they would return to England for a few days in order to have some time away and they could spend it with the family, especially since once Evander arrived, it would be a while before they would have the time or energy to visit.

They'd been back in London for only three days so far and as soon as they set foot in Diagon Alley barely an hour after arriving, Hermione had been ambushed by the paparazzi and Dean had been far from happy. Thankfully, Harry had been with them and he was able to help her and Sam restrain Dean from killing anyone, but that meant that more than a few Memory Charms had to be used in order wipe their memories of discovering Hermione's pregnancy, as well as destroying the evidence on the cameras. Two days later, and Hermione's pregnancy was still a secret and that's the way they wanted it.

Hermione had seen the stress the press had put on Ginny with her pregnancies and given her mother's fertility problems as well as how long it had taken her to fall pregnant, neither she nor Dean wanted to risk putting any stress on Hermione or the baby. In fact, they didn't wish for the pregnancy to be known at all, they were going to wait until after Evander had arrived and then release a statement once they were sure that both Hermione and Evander were healthy. Whether or not that went to plan would remain to be seen.

Given that it was now early September and all children that were old enough were at Hogwarts, Diagon Alley was fairly quiet that morning. Summer was transitioning into autumn meaning there was a chill in the air and Hermione pulled her robes around her more firmly, not only keeping her warm, but hiding her almost seven month baby bump from anyone that didn't know it was there.

They'd left Sam at the apartment given that he was still in bed despite him usually being the first one up, but the previous night Dean and Sam had been invited over to Malfoy Manor by Draco, along with Harry and The Weasley men for a night of muggle poker and drinking. Dean had been fairly sober when he returned; Sam on the other hand, had to be brought back by one of the Malfoy house-elves as he'd passed out.

'I know; I can't wait to finally see where we'll be raising our family. It seems like we've been waiting forever,' Hermione sighed.

'Well, not much longer now,' he said, smiling down at her and giving her hand a gentle squeeze. 'The decorators are due to be finished in a few days and then we just have to wait until the house and land is magicked proof, Castiel's going to do the demon proofing afterwards, it'll be a lot easier for him than it would be for us, and he'll have better knowledge of the wardings, too, and he mentioned wanting to put a few Enochian symbols around the property for extra security.'

'I know, the more security we have the safer our family will be. The house-elves are preparing to move Bobby's things.'

'He's still going to shoot you, he'll just wait until after little Xander's arrived,' he said amused.

'He wouldn't shoot me,' she rolled her eyes. 'Though he might slap me over the head a few times, but it needs to be done. He's not getting any younger, Dean, and you saw his medical records just as I did. He's going to kill himself, he's not looking after himself as he should be, and even if we do decide to continue hunting and we do so as a family, he won't be alone as the house-elves will take care of him, even Bobby can't so no to Mimsy.'

Dean snorted, knowing it was true. No one could say no to Mimsy. It was impossible as the little elf wouldn't listen anyway, she was just as stubborn as Hermione, if not more so.

'And that's why I altered the design specs,' she said.

'What do you mean?' He asked, having no idea what she was talking about.

'I originally planned to have Bobby move into the house with us, but I think it might be too much for him since he's so used to living alone, and I still want to give him his independence and privacy.'

'So he's not going to be staying with us?' He questioned confused.

'No, he is, just not in the house. The storage facility on the property was the size of a small cottage and so I had Pius convert it into one. All he had to do was install a few windows and a few walls and doors. With magic they had it complete in less than a day. If the plans have been followed it should have a bedroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen and a living room, which will be decorated similarly to his house. I'm planning to use his own furniture and only replacing it if it's broken, Mimsy snuck over there the other day to catalogue everything so it can be moved to the cottage once we've lured Bobby away from the salvage yard. And I'm going to have the cottage warded against magic so he can still have his TV. The cottage is only a ten minute walk to the house so he's not too close and not too far away and the two garages are only a five minute walk from the cottage, where Baby and his truck will be kept, and there's still room for another three cars plus anything else we wish to keep in there.'

'And what about Hunter's Information Central?' He asked amused.

'Now that's a surprise,' she said with a smile. 'One that you're going to have to wait to see.'

He chuckled at her and shook his head. 'Are you planning on moving anyone else in with us?'

'Not yet, but you never know, maybe I can convince Castiel to stay on Earth for a little while so I can re-instil human emotions and mannerism into him. What took me years to do, took you no time at all to destroy,' she told him.

He snorted at her and gave her a gentle nudge with her shoulder, she laughed at him until she accidentally bumped into someone.

'I'm really sorry..' She said, stopping in her steps and turning to look behind her at the person she bumped into, and her eyes widened when she recognised who it was. 'Adrian?' She said surprised. She felt Dean tense beside her, recognising the name of one of her ex-boyfriends.

Adrian looked surprised to see her but a warm smile quickly appeared on his face, his hazel brown eyes softened and his light brown hair was tussled by the wind and it fell into his eyes. He wore a pair of black slacks and a perfectly pressed white shirt, coupled with black robes.

'Hermione,' he breathed her name like it was a prayer and she felt Dean's hand tighten around hers.

'It's been a while,' she spoke.

He nodded, his smile widening. 'It has, too long.'

She turned her eyes to her husband, seeing the possessive and protective look that was held on his face and she caught his hand going to his pocket to pull his gun. She subtly elbowed him in warning.

'Adrian, this is my husband, Dean Winchester,' she introduced. 'Dean, this is Adrian Pucey, one of the best Chasers in the Quidditch League.'

Adrian's smile fell slightly at the mention of Dean, before it widened at her praise and he reached out to shake Dean's hand, hiding his wince when Dean squeezed tight enough to dislocate a few fingers. Hermione elbowed Dean again, knowing what he'd done.

'I read you'd gotten married, I wasn't sure I believed it until I saw the interview,' Adrian said, a sad look entering his eyes, but his smile remained trained on her. 'You look happy,' he commented, his eyes sweeping over her figure as if trying to commit her to his memory, despite the fact he'd seen her naked plenty of times in the past.

'I am, very happy,' she said, giving a loving smile to Dean and leaning into him which seemed to calm Dean a little as she felt some of the tension leave him.

'How long you've been married?'

'Two and a half years, it'll be three years by the end of March,' she replied.

Hermione saw the way Adrian was eyeing up Dean, and she didn't know why until he spoke.

'And you're treated right?' He questioned, looking away from Dean and to her, daring her to lie to him.

Hermione dug her nails into the back of Dean's hand when saw him going for his gun again.

'Better than is possible,' she answered honestly. 'I mean, he's a pain in the arse over how protective he is of me, he won't even let me carry my own bloody bags, but yes, he treats me very well. He puts me first and always has, he's not a man of many words, but his actions more than speak for him and he loves me just as much as I love him. You have nothing to be suspicious of, Adrian. Do you honestly think Harry and Draco would allow me to marry someone they didn't approve of?'

A sad smile crossed Adrian's face. 'No, Draco's even more protective of you than Harry is, and despite my friendship with Draco, he didn't approve of me when we were together.'

Dean's ego inflated a little at that, knowing that Draco actually liked him and that he approved of him being with Hermione when he hadn't his own friend.

'Dean, will you give us a moment?' Hermione said, turning her eyes away from her ex-boyfriend to look up at her husband. He looked down at her and she knew he was going to argue. 'Please, Dean, he's not going to hurt me, he's not Ryan.'

'Ryan? Ryan Newton?' Adrian questioned quickly, his eyes darting between Hermione and Dean. 'You the one that put him in hospital?'

Dean eyed him warily and Hermione looked surprised. 'How do you know about that?' She asked him, knowing that it was never made public; Kingsley, Harry and Draco had buried it years ago.

'I was visiting a member of my team before practice when he was brought in. I've never seen such damage done without magic, by the state of him I'd say he'd been attacked by a gang of muggles.'

Hermione looked down at the ground and Dean removed his hand from hers so he could wrap his arm around her shoulders and pull her protectively into his side.

'Why do you want to know?' Dean asked.

'I know what he did to Hermione and if you were the one to put him in the hospital, I'd want to shake your hand.'

Dean kept his gaze locked on Adrian's before lifting his hand and Adrian took it and shook it, this time without Dean trying to break his hand.

'Who'd you get to help you?'

'No one,'

Adrian looked surprised, especially since he'd seen the barely breathing, bloodied and battered state Ryan had been in when brought into the hospital. To be honest he thought he was dead, and if he wasn't, that he wouldn't survive such a beating.

'If my brother had been with me then the asshole wouldn't have survived. I planned on killing him but Hermione convinced me otherwise,' he admitted and Adrian's eyes widened, particularly of the fact he'd spoken so casually about his wanting to kill him.

'I told you he protects me,' Hermione said quietly and he turned his eyes back to her, seeing the way she was tucked into Dean's side and pressed up against him with one hand resting on her stomach. 'Dean, please will you give us a moment alone? I promise, Adrian's never once laid a finger on me, he's one of the better exes.'

Dean looked conflicted before he slowly nodded. 'Alright, I'll get us a table,' he said, gesturing to the cafe that was a few shops down and where they'd intended to get breakfast.

'Will you order me..'

'Pancakes with chocolate sauce, bananas and strawberries, and tea,' he finished amused.

She nodded gratefully and she kissed his cheek, as he eyed Adrian once more and then stepped away.

'Dean..' Hermione called.

'Chocolate fudge cake with all the trimmings, I know,' he said, sounding amused and not once turning back to look at her.


'A bacon and sausage sandwich with hash browns and extra bacon, I've got it covered.'

She smiled to herself and then turned back to Adrian, seeing that he looked both amused and saddened.

'He's knows me so well,' she shrugged.

'So I see,' he replied.

Silence fell upon them and Hermione shuffled on her awkwardly.

'I've never seen you so happy, you're glowing,' he commented.

Both hands came up to her stomach before she could stop it. 'Thank you, I feel happy.' She felt a smile pull at her face at the knowing of why she felt happy and she looked down at the ground.

'I never should've let you go,' he muttered. She frowned and lifted her head and her gaze was caught by his. 'I know it was my fault, I know you would've stayed with me if I asked you to. I was wrong to let you go.'

'You broke up with me, I may have wanted more from you but I never voiced my wishes. I just wanted you to be happy and you seemed to be, which is why I was surprised when you broke up with me.'

He looked sad. 'I never should've broken up with you.'

'Then why did you?' She asked, it didn't matter to her anymore, but he'd never given her a reason. He'd just done it suddenly without explanation.

Poker Hunters Colours Of The Wind Movie

'Wasn't it obvious?' He asked with a sad smile.

'No, it really wasn't,' she crossed her arms over her chest.

'I loved you.' She blinked in surprise. 'I broke up with you because I'd fallen in love with you and that scared me, I didn't know how to deal with everything and I panicked, and I made the biggest mistake of my life.' She opened her mouth to respond but she couldn't find the words to say. 'It's okay, it's my own fault, I lost you because of my own actions, if I'd just spoken to you, then maybe it would've been me that you married. You know you're the only witch that's seen my apartment, and you're the only witch that I've been pictured with? I had hoped you'd see that and understand what it meant since I couldn't tell you at the time, and when you didn't come back I knew I messed up. I tried to run into you so I could talk to you but I always seemed to miss you and then I heard you were dating Theo and I had to resign myself to the fact I'd lost you for good.'


'You don't have to say anything,' his sad smile was still on his face. 'Neither of us expected to see each other again and certainly not today. I just had to tell you, I wanted you to know it wasn't anything you'd done, that I was the one at fault. I only wish I could go back and change everything, you never know, we could've had a family by now. You were it for me and I messed up.'

'I never wanted to hurt you,' she replied, feeling tears welling up in her eyes and her hormones didn't help either.

'You didn't,' he assured her. 'It was my own fault.'

'I feel there's something I should tell you.'

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'Alright,' he said, looking at her curiously.

Her answer was to raise her left hand and the gold runic band around her finger shimmered in the sun light. His eyes widened, recognising it for what it was.

'I guess it was never meant to be, even if I hadn't let you go. You may have been it for me but I would've never been it for you,' he said sadly. 'This explains so much actually, why I was never able to get you to that point.' She felt her cheeks heat up at the meaning of his words and he smiled fondly. He hadn't seen that sight in years. 'Can he?'

Her cheeks darkened instantly and he chuckled at her. 'Yes,' she admitted.

He nodded, before sighing. 'Well, you better get back to him before he comes out here and hurts me for keeping you from him.'

'I truly am sorry, Adrian, and I hope you find a witch you can have a family with you.'

'No one will ever compare to you,' he said quietly, before leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek and he hugged her, before quickly pulling back when he felt her stomach brush against his.

'You're glowing,' he said, understanding suddenly hitting him. She gave him a sheepish smile. 'How far along are you?'

'Next week I'll be seven months along.'

'Good thing?'

She smiled and nodded. 'Amazing, we'd been trying for nearly two years when we found out I was pregnant. Dean was even more excited about it than I was, he'd started buying clothes a week after we discovered I was pregnant, I didn't even know and I only started a month ago myself,' she said fondly.

'Do you know what you're having?'

'A boy, Evander Robert Winchester,' she answered. 'We're trying to keep it a secret until after he's born. The press surrounded us the other day and Harry and Dean's brother had to restrain Dean from killing them, and trust me, he wouldn't have hesitated either. Luckily Harry and I were able to delete the evidence so they're none the wiser.'

'I won't tell anyone,' he promised.

'I know,' she nodded and she turned to look behind her at the cafe. 'I better go.' He nodded in agreement. 'I wish you the best and I hope you find a witch that is deserving of you,' she said softly, before standing on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. She pulled away and turned around, making her way over to the cafe.

She stepped in and although there were a few whispers at her entrance, no one approached her as she found her way over to the secluded table Dean had claimed.

'Thank you,' she said as he stood up to pull her chair out for her. He shrugged it off, but she knew how hard it was for him to give her that time alone with Adrian. 'Did you get..'

Colours Of The Wind Mp3

'Toast with strawberry jelly, yes.'

'Jam, it's strawberry jam.'

'Whatever,' he rolled his eyes.

'Did you get..'

'Yes, Glinda, I got your orange juice, too.'


'And your fresh fruit to go, they're going to bring it out before we leave.'

'Well what about..'

'Your chocolate sandwich for you to snack on whilst walking around Diagon Alley? I've ordered you two so you can have one during our travels back to the apartment, too.'


One week later..

'I don't understand why I have to be here for this?' Bobby's gruff voice filled the car as he sat in the back with Sam and Hermione was sat in the passenger's seat, as usual with her shoes off, a pillow cushioning her back and her feet in Dean's lap as he drove to their new home. Today was the day they got to see it complete for the first time.

'Because I said so, stop being a baby,' Hermione scolded and Sam sniggered at Bobby, until he was slapped on the back of the head.

Hermione wanted him to be there for the reveal since it would be his home too, but also as it gave Mimsy and Mittens the chance to pack up Bobby's furniture and clothing and have it unpacked into the storage unit turned cottage before they showed it to him.

'Besides, you're going to need to see how to get onto the land,' Dean spoke up, keeping his eyes on the road and looking for the point where the trees lead to the entrance.

Hermione had already given Bobby access through the Fidelius as well as Dean and Sam, so they'd be able to see the house once they were approaching it. Dean pulled up on the side of the road, and Bobby and Sam looked at him when he peered out the window with squinting eyes.

'He's looking for the entrance,' Hermione explained before she flicked her wand and the trees parted.

'Why didn't you do that before?' Dean asked, before pulling onto the dirt road and the trees covered the entrance behind him.

'And welcome home,' Hermione said softly, hearing the noises of surprise from Bobby and Sam as the manor house came into view for the first time and Hermione had tears welling in her eyes at seeing the finished product, and she couldn't imagine anything being more perfect for their family.

'This is your house?' Sam asked in surprise.


'No, it's our house,' Hermione sniffled and she knew Sam was surprised by what he was seeing as he didn't tease her for crying.

Dean pulled to a stop not far from the house and he got out of the car and helped Hermione to put her shoes back on and then he helped her out of the car and they all stood in front of the manor house, staring up at it.

Dean had to admit, he couldn't imagine it looking like anything else. He thought it rather suited Hermione and just as Hermione had gotten the feeling when she first arrived on the property, Dean could now feel it, too. Looking up at their home, he could feel it would be the place to raise his family with his wife. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her forehead, smiling down at her when he saw her tears of happiness.

The manor house was a lot bigger than when he first saw it and he knew it was due to the extension they'd had added to the building. It was one of the biggest houses he'd ever seen -disregarding Malfoy Manor, of course- and he couldn't believe it was where his family would grow.

The bricks looked mismatched, some being new and others being older, but he could tell the entire house had been given a few coats of paint, making it a grey-brown colour, where the roofing was a dark grey. The large front door and window panes were white and the porch and steps matched the colouring off the house and a porch swing, a small glass table and a couple of chairs where positioned on one side, facing off in the distance of the play ground that had been built.

'You should do it,' Hermione spoke, pulling a key out of her pocket and holding it out to Dean for him to take.

He smiled at her and plucked it out of her hand before bounding up the steps and unlocking the door and he quickly made his way back to Hermione. She shrieked in surprise when he swept her up into his arms as if she weighed nothing, even with her added weight of being pregnant, and he took the steps one at a time before nudging the door further open with his foot and stepping into the house.

'Carrying you over the threshold,' he shrugged and she rolled her eyes at him as he gently placed her back on her feet, and she felt Sam and Bobby step out from behind her until they stood beside her and their eyes swept the room.

The house consisted of four floors and the basement. The entirety of the basement had been made into a potion's lab for Hermione, knowing she'd be the only one to use it and therefore there was no point in it taking up an entire floor of the house for it. The ground floor was split into three rooms. The first room being the living room and it was the first room you stepped into when you entered the house.

Hermione and Dean had decided that they both liked the layout and design of her living room back in the Cambridge apartment and decided to try and keep it as similar as possible while making it child friendly. For this reason it was decorated in blues and silvers, with light wood flooring, two large couches and two matching arm chairs and an oak coffee table placed in the centre of them. There was a large fireplace dominating the back wall and it was connected to the floo network, so it wasn't surrounded by any furniture for safety reasons. The walls were covered in photos depicting Hermione and Dean's life together. There weren't many before the wedding, but they'd more than made up for it afterwards, with photos of Hermione, Dean, Sam, Bobby, The Potters, The Malfoys and The Weasleys taken at different events and locations.

Dean and Hermione led Sam and Bobby forward and through the door which took you into the open planned kitchen and dining room. It was decorated with the same colour scheme of blues and silver and had light wooden flooring, but marble countertops and white storage cupboards, with two large ovens placed beside each other and a kitchen island in the centre of the room. There was a small room off to the side which was the laundry room.

The dining room side of the room had a dining table of oak and eight matching chairs surrounding it, and photo frames littered the wall behind the table, too, all of them filled with more photographs of their lives together.

The door out of the kitchen was planned to lead to her potion's lab, but she had a surprise for Dean, and it was another reason why she'd had it moved to the basement. Hermione took his hand and pulled out him out of the kitchen and down the hallway before opening the door. Dean stepped in behind her and she couldn't keep the smile off her face when she saw his wide eyes and his speechless state.

'What the..' He muttered.

She allowed her eyes to take in the sight before her and she was glad to see the decorators had done a brilliant job, but given what she paid them, she wouldn't expect anything less.

The room was only slightly smaller than two before it, and that was saying something. This room was decorated in greens and browns with light wooden flooring and dark furniture. On the back wall she had a built in bar stocked with Dean and Sam's favourite beer and fire whiskey, and three stools sat in front of the counter. Beside the bar on the wall sat the largest TV she could purchase and it was equipped with all of Dean and Sam's favourite channels, and two dark leather arm chairs sat in front of it. In the centre of the room was a pool table with the appropriate equipment stored on the shelves and cue rack that was on the wall behind the door. Off to the right sat two mini-refrigerators on top of a storage cupboard, which held Dean and Sam's favourite snack foods. Not far from that sat a poker table with six chairs surrounding it and a small shelf sat on the wall holding the poker chips and several decks of unopened cards.

She'd made sure to have the entire room warded against magic so that the muggle items in the room wouldn't be affected, but that also meant that magic could no longer be cast in the room unless the wards were removed. This would prevent any of her brothers from cheating at poker if and when they decided they wanted to visit and have a game with Dean and Sam, like they do at Malfoy Manor.

Dean slowly turned around to face her and she barely stopped herself from laughing at the expression on his face.

'Surprise,' she said.

Sam snorted from behind her and Bobby grumbled under his breath, but Dean continued to stare at her.

'My lab's been built in the basement instead. We weren't going to use it and I'd rather not have spiders crawling around down there. To be honest, the conditions in the basement are naturally cooler and better for some of my more volatile ingredients.'


'Built you a man cave? Well, I didn't but someone else did it for me. The room's protected from magic, so not only is your TV and mini-fridges safe, Sam will be able to use his laptop in here, when it arrives that is.'

'What?' Sam said confused.

She turned to look at him. 'Your new laptop, I've ordered you one and it's due in the next few days. I've been meaning to get you a new one for months but I've been distracted with the house and the baby. I relied on the tech whiz in the stop so if it's rubbish, it's his fault, not mine. It's an Apple Macbook Air, so it better be good for what I paid for it.' His eyes widened.


She turned her eyes back to Dean, seeing that he was still staring at her and she could no longer restrain her laughter. He blinked at her dumbly and her laughter grew louder and Bobby snorted at her. She was able to calm herself down and she decided to give Dean a moment to collect his thoughts so she stepped out of the room and waited in the hallway by the stairs that lead to the next floor, and beneath the stairs was the door that led to the basement.

She smiled when Dean exited the room and instantly pulled her into a hug, placing a kiss to her neck, then her jaw, then her cheek and finally her lips. She pulled back from him and smiled. She knew how much he appreciated what she'd done even if he couldn't find the words to say so.

She took his hand and pulled him up the stairs onto the first floor, which held the bedrooms. The first floor looked much like a corridor in a hotel with a walkway and several doors on either side, with the master bedroom being at the end of the hall. The first door on the left led to the bathroom and after that there were two more doors, one a bedroom and the other being closest to the master bedroom and the nursery. On the right there were three doors, two being bedrooms and the middle room leading to a play room, filled with more toys than Hermione couldn't even remember buying, but this was to be used for the older children, too, when they visited.

They stopped at the nursery and stepped inside, seeing that it was mostly similar to the children's room back at the Cambridge apartment, only it was decorated in soft blues and white with moving images of magical creatures prancing about the walls, and there was a soft blue carpet covering the floor. The crib sat against the back wall with two small tables either side of it. There was a chest of drawers to the right of the crib and one to the left of it. On the wall to the right sat the changing unit and a store cupboard with all the nappies, wipes, creams and powders that could possibly be needed. A rocking chair sat by the window in the room with a small table nearby, and when you looked up, the ceiling was charmed to depict either a sunny day or a starry night.

Hermione thought it was perfect as she snuggled into Dean's side and smiled.

They made their way out of the nursery and to the master bedroom, Hermione and Dean stepped inside whilst Bobby and Sam stayed in the corridor. It was the largest bedroom in the house being almost twice the size of the others; it was even bigger than the ones in her apartments.

Hermione and Dean had decided on neutral colours of silver and black, with two walls being black with silver accents and the remaining two the opposite. The bed was larger than the ones in her apartments, too, since Dean had insisted that they would need a bigger bed. Having spent time with the children and realising how much they loved to sneak into bed with them, he was adamant they would need more space for when their children were old enough to do the same and Hermione hadn't the heart to disagree with him.

The head board was oak and large and sat against the back wall. The bedding was black with silver accents and the duvet thick and warm ready for the coming winter. They'd opted for light wooden flooring, thinking black carpet would be too dark and silver wouldn't look right in the room. They had two oak bedside tables, one on either side of the bed and a silver padded bench sat at the foot of the bed.

Colours Of The Wind Lyrics

Off to the right sat Hermione's vanity table and matching stool, where to the left of the room sat a large fireplace with a silver and black rug in front of it, along with a black couch and a oak coffee table. The silver curtains were blowing in the breeze coming from the opened windows and Hermione flicked her wand to close them again, feeling the cold in the room. There was no chest of drawers or wardrobe as they had a walk in closet to the left of the bed, and to the right was the en-suite bathroom, having both a shower and a claw-foot tub, which Hermione had been adamant about having.

'Is that the biggest bed available?' Dean asked her, eyeing the bed.

'Why?' She asked with a raised eyebrow.

'I think we need a bigger one.'

She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, leading back towards the stairs and before she walked down them, she turned to her left where they were surprised to see a hidden stair case which led them to the second floor. The second floor consisted of nothing but a bathroom and bedrooms, five to be exact and it had the same format of the floor below, three doors on either side of the hallway.

Poker Hunters Colours Of The Wind Lyrics

'How many bedrooms does this house have?' Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

'In total, ten. The master bedroom, the nursery and then eight bedrooms,' she answered.

Bobby made a noise of surprise in the back of his throat. 'Why so many?' He asked gruffly.

'Well, there's myself and Dean, and the baby, and obviously Sam, so there's three gone right off the bat. We're planning to have three children, which takes another two, leaving five bedrooms. Then you have to take into account the children when we have them for a few days, and now that we have an actual house, George and Angelina, or Harry and Ginny may even take some time off work to visit and stay with us for a few days, so we'll need rooms for them, too. And now that the kids are getting older, the boys and girls will need separate rooms and suddenly we've got no available rooms left. We have a large family, Bobby,' she shrugged. 'You can take any room you wish to Sam on either floor, they're all the same, once you choose we'll decorate it to your liking.'

She led the way down the end of the hall and to the final flight of stairs, which led to the third floor.

'This was the attic but I had it converted.'

'To what?' Sam said, and he got his answer the moment he stepped into the room.

She'd converted the entire floor of the attic into one large, combined library. There were no windows but for the ones installed in the roof above them and there was dark wooden flooring beneath them. The entirety of the left wall contained bookcases upon bookcases of hunting texts, whilst the entirety of the right wall held bookcases upon bookcases of magical texts. An oak table with four matching chairs was placed near to the door and on the Hunter's side of the library and a matching oak table and chairs was placed on the magical side of the library but towards the back wall. In the centre off the room sat a black leather couch and two matching arm chairs along with an oak coffee table in the centre of them. In the left corner of the room there was a small room that had a toilet and sink, and in the top right of the room was the store room containing the scrolls, pre-drawn demon traps and salt. The very back wall was the wall that opened up to the armoury and it would only open for herself, Dean and Sam. There was another door beside the store room which she saw Dean eyeing curiously and she gave him a smile that had him raising an eyebrow and looking to Bobby, and she nodded in confirmation, glad that he'd caught on so fast.

'That's for you, Bobby,' she said, pointing to the door of her meaning.

'Me?' He questioned confused, walking over to the door and opening it, revealing it to look like an office of sorts.

There was a large desk and a comfortable looking chair near the back wall, several filling cabinets to the right and on the left wall by the desk was several telephones stuck to the wall, much like the ones she'd seen at his house, and she'd made sure to have the little office warded against magic so it wouldn't interfere with the telephones.

He looked around confused but Sam seemed to have understood what she was doing and was sharing amused looks with his brother, who was now accessing the armoury so he could see the stash of weapons. It was actually an exact replica of the weapons at the Cambridge apartment, only there were more of them and some were different sizes, too. Though there were several empty spaces which he suspected were for the weapons they usually carried with them, meaning Hermione's hunting knife and gun, Dean and Sam's hunting knives and guns, and the knives they'd been gifted by Hermione.

'What's going on?' Bobby asked, leaving the office-like room and stepping back into the library, noticing that he had everything he needed in order to run Hunter's Information Central from one room alone, and then his eyes widened. 'Oh no, I don't think so,' he said.

Hermione smiled innocently. 'Mimsy,' she said, making the brothers snigger when they saw Bobby take a step backwards. 'Is everything ready?'

'Yes, Mistress, Mimsy thinks it be to the Mr. Bobby's likings and ifs not, Mimsy not be happy, Mimsy work very hard.'

Dean and Sam's sniggers grew louder and Bobber sent a glare in the direction, whilst trying to sneak out of the room and down the stairs, but before he could, Mimsy's small hand encircled his wrist and he was gone from view.

Mimsy returned and took Hermione and the brothers to where she'd dropped Bobby off, right outside his cottage, and he didn't look pleased as his glare met her as soon as she landed.

'You can't hit me, I'm pregnant,' she said, placing both hands on her stomach as if to draw attention to it.

The brothers' sniggers had turned into laughter by this point and Bobby sent his glare at them instead and they sobered immediately.

'I know you're mad, but I don't like that you're alone all the time. It's not good for your health, mental, emotional and physical. You're not taking care of yourself and I want you around as long as possible and if that means I have to kidnap you, then I will do so. Even when we're not here, one of elves will be so you'll never be alone. I had planned on moving you into the house but I thought it would be too much for you, so I had the contractors convert the storage unit into a cottage for you. You have a kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom. Mimsy's already unpacked all of your clothing and your furniture, anything that's in need of repairing will be replaced. You'll still have your own residence, only now you'll be closer to us and you'll be protected. Demons are unable to find us here due to the magic surrounding the land and the demon wardings and Enochian symbols Castiel did for us.'

Bobby was scowling at her, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes refusing to look away from her.

'Just how big is this land?' Sam asked her, his eyes looking around and seeing that he wasn't able to find an end point.

'Fifty acres including the woods that hide the entrance to the house, the meadow at the back of the land and the fields. There's also a pond the contractors made bigger so the children can swim in it, they built the children a tree house in the woods and they built them their very own play ground not far from the house, too. There's also two garages on the property which is a five minute walk from here, and it's a ten minute walk to the house from here. You can keep your truck in one of the garages, there's more than enough space for several cars, actually. And I've had a small cottage built on the other side of the property for the house-elves to reside in so it's off limits to everyone.'

Both Bobby and Sam were surprised by her answer.

'Just think, Bobby, you'll have a good home cooked meal three times a day, you don't have to worry about being attacked by demons, you have everything you need and want with your own residence and you have full access to everything back at the house, including my magical library.' He perked up a little. 'I've still warded the more dangerous books to ensure you don't get hurt though, and you've got the Hunter's library and the office where you can continue running Hunter's Information Central. We all want you here and there's no point in leaving, I'll just have Mimsy bring you back, not that I'd have to ask it of her, she'd do it herself. She quite likes you,' she shrugged.

'You're going to be the death of me, Missy,' Bobby grumbled.

'No, just the opposite, I'm going to make sure you have a healthy and happy life, I reckon you've still got another few decades in you, we can't have you popping your clogs before you have the chance to meet your future grandchildren.'

Sam burst into laughter at the sudden look of terror that crossed Bobby's face.

'I'd rather face a demon,' he muttered.

Hermione smiled at him sweetly, leaning into a husband with her hands resting on her stomach, feeling little Xander making his presence known, and Dean's hand soon followed.

'We're home,' he muttered softly.

She sighed. 'We are and it's taken two and a half years to get here.'

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